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// Number of first level items var LowBgColor='#E7E7E7'; // Background color when mouse is not over def.: var LowSubBgColor='#E7E7E7'; // Background color when mouse is not over on subs var HighBgColor='#74A4F2'; // Background color when mouse is over Def: #FFA8CA (dark pink) var HighSubBgColor='#FFEAF2'; // Background color when mouse is over on subs Def: #FFEAF2 (lt. pink) var FontLowColor='black'; // Font color when mouse is not over var FontSubLowColor='black'; // Font color subs when mouse is not over var FontHighColor='#FFFFFF'; // Font color when mouse is over var FontSubHighColor='black'; // Font color subs when mouse is over var BorderColor='#E7E7E7'; // Border color var BorderSubColor='#8A8A8A'; // Border color for subs var BorderWidth=1; // Border width var BorderBtwnElmnts=0; // Border between elements 1 or 0 var FontFamily="verdana,arial,comic sans ms,technical"; // Font family menu items var FontSize=8; // Font size menu items var FontBold=0; // Bold menu items 1 or 0 var FontItalic=0; 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Menu1_1 = new Array("Anemia","","",0,16,150); Menu1_2 = new Array("Breast Cancer","","",0,16,150); Menu1_3 = new Array("Candida Albicans","","",0,16,150); Menu1_4 = new Array("Crohn's Disease","","",0,16,150); Menu1_5 = new Array("Chronic Fatigue","","",0,16,150); Menu1_6 = new Array("Depression","","",0,16,150); Menu1_7 = new Array("Fibromyalgia","","",0,16,150); Menu1_8 = new Array("Heart Disease","","",0,16,150); Menu1_9 = new Array("Hypoglycemia","","",0,16,150); Menu1_10 = new Array("Insomnia","","",0,16,150); Menu1_11= new Array("Low Thyroid","","",0,16,150); Menu1_12= new Array("Osteoporosis & Progesterone","","",0,16,150); Menu1_13= new Array("Ovarian Cancer","","",0,16,150); Menu1_14= new Array("Prostate Cancer","","",0,16,150); Menu1_15= new Array("Weakened Immunity","","",0,16,150); Menu2 = new Array("The Experts","","",8,14,127); Menu2_1 = new Array("A Healthy Boy...","!.html","",0,16,175); Menu2_2 = new Array("Fibrocystic Breast Disease...","","",0,16,175); Menu2_3 = new Array("Migraine Headaches...","","",0,16,175); Menu2_4 = new Array("Osteoporosis Experience...","","",0,16,175); Menu2_5 = new Array("Osteopenia Experience...","","",0,16,175); Menu2_6 = new Array("Hysterectomy?...","","",0,16,175); Menu2_7 = new Array("Libido & Night Sweats...","","",0,16,175); Menu2_8 = new Array("PMS/PMT","","",0,16,175); /* Menu3 = new Array("F. A. Q.","","",2,14,127); Menu3_1 = new Array("Discussion Forum","","",0,16,150); Menu3_2 = new Array("Ask Our Nutritionist","","",0,16,150); */ Menu3 = new Array("Product Information","","",3,14,127); Menu3_1 = new Array("Serenity Products","","",0,16,150); Menu3_2 = new Array("Essential Oils","","",0,16,150); Menu3_3 = new Array("Products by Category","","",0,16,150); Menu4 = new Array("Shop Online","","",5,14,127); Menu4_1 = new Array("Store","","",0,16,150); Menu4_2 = new Array("Serenity Creams","","",0,16,150); Menu4_3 = new Array("Essential Oils","","",0,16,150); Menu4_4 = new Array("Natural Sleep","","",0,16,150); Menu4_5 = new Array("Order by Phone","","",0,16,150); Menu5 = new Array("Contact Us","","",7,14,127); Menu5_1 = new Array("Suggestions","","",0,16,160); Menu5_2 = new Array("Client Services","","",0,16,160); Menu5_3 = new Array("Webmaster","","",0,16,160); Menu5_4 = new Array("By Email","","",0,16,160); Menu5_5 = new Array("By Phone","","",0,16,160); Menu5_6 = new Array("By Mail","","",0,16,160); Menu5_7 = new Array("Comments","","",0,16,160); /* Menu5_1 = new Array("By Email","","",0,16,160); Menu5_2 = new Array("By Mail","","",0,16,160); Menu5_3 = new Array("By Phone","","",0,16,160); Menu5_4 = new Array("By Fax","","",0,16,160); Menu5_5 = new Array("Client Services","","",0,16,160); Menu5_6 = new Array("Contact Webmaster","","",0,16,160); Menu5_7 = new Array("Suggestions & Comments","","",0,16,160); */